AMP Singapore is a non-profit organisation serving the Muslim community. We were established on 10 October 1991, and formed with core programmes in education, human resource development, social development and research.

AMP is a registered charitable organisation and is accorded the status of an Institution of Public Character.

AMP is guided by its core principles of being independent, non-partisan and working in critical collaboration with all parties that share its mission to bring about a Dynamic Muslim Community in the 21st Century. AMP will partner with any player who identifies with and supports its mission in society and will support government policies which serve to advance the community and the interest of the people at large.


A dynamic Muslim community


A model organisation in community leadership


To be a thought leader, problem solver and mobiliser for the advancement of the community


We are committed to serve the community with passion. We take pride in our role in society.


We place community interest before self and maintain high moral values and discipline.


We aim for excellence in our work and add value to what we do.


We champion creativity and dare to explore new ideas to overcome challenges.


We work as a team, believe in shared responsibility and value partnerships with others.


AMP had received the first WSH Culture of Acceptance, Respect and Empathy (CARE) Award in 2024. AMP Singapore is the only Malay/Muslim organisation (MMO) among 19 companies that adopted exemplary mental well-being practices.

This award recognises companies that have adopted exemplary mental well-being practices and highlights them as employers of choice.



AMP Singapore is accredited with the Progressive Wage Mark for paying Progressive Wages to uplift lower-wage workers.


AMP had received the Charity Transparency Award 2024 presented by the Charity Council. This is the sixth time AMP had received the award in recognition of our efforts in maintaining standards in governance and transparency.

For more info on the award, click here.




To highlight the best people-centric organisations in the social service sector, the Kincentric Best Employers 2021 assessment has provided a Special Recognition to AMP for our contributions to the sector in 2021. The assessment was based on a methodology to understand how well organisations engaged with their employees and demonstrated Best Employers’ attributes.

Kincentric Best Employers assesses organisations’ excellence across critical people factors such as employee engagement, organisational agility, engaging leadership and talent focus, leveraging the most objective measure possible i.e. employee opinion. The certification identifies organisations that demonstrate excellence in the workplace, by creating differentiated employee experiences and agile, inclusive cultures that lead to stronger, more sustainable business results.


AMP was conferred the Leading HR Practices (Special Mention) in Total Rewards, and Leading HR Practices in Quality Work-Life Integration awards at the 13th Singapore HR Awards. AMP had made a submission to be considered for the awards when the new Not-for-Profit Category was introduced for the Awards in 2018.

Among the non-profit organisations that received awards for commendable human resource practices and policies, AMP was the sole Malay/Muslim organisation that received the two awards presented by the Singapore Human Resources Institute (SHRI) at the Presentation Gala on 20 July 2018 at Marina Bay Sands.

Some of the commendable human resource practices and policies by AMP include flexible work arrangements such as telecommuting from home when the need arises, scholarships and support for skills upgrading, exposure in media and networking platforms, as well as biennial overseas staff retreat and short trips to foster staff bonding.


Adopting the Tripartite Standards is part of AMP’s commitment towards building a better workplace. Our employees will continue to be treated fairly and with respect, and we will do our best to support them to achieve their full potential.


Flexible Work Arrangements

AMP helps our employees better manage their work and personal needs by offering Flexible Work Arrangements.


Age-friendly Workplace Practices

AMP values our older employees and support them with training and workplace health programmes.


AMP was recognised under the Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) as at 5 March 2018 for its commitment to fair employment practices.

The Tripartite partners – the Ministry of Manpower, the National Trades Union Congress, and the Singapore National Employers Federation – have a shared vision for Singapore to be one of the best places in the world to work; a place where every worker is given an equal opportunity for employment, rewarded according to his or her merit, treated fairly and with respect, and given the opportunity to optimise his or her unique talents; a place where businesses are able to attract, develop and retain valued employees, and create a harmonious and inclusive work environment, where employees are highly motivated and contribute their fullest to their organisations and the economy.

AMP shares this vision and will adopt five key principles of fair employment practices:

    • Recruit and select employees on the basis of merit (such as skills, experience or ability to perform the job) and regardless of age, race, gender, religion, marital status and family responsibilities or disability.
    • Treat employees fairly and with respect, and implement progressive human resource management systems.
    • Provide employees with equal opportunity to be considered for training and development based on their strengths and needs to help them achieve their full potential.
    • Reward employees fairly based on their ability, performance, contributions and experience.
    • Abide by labour laws and adopt the Tripartite Guidelines on Fair Employment Practices.

We believe that the effective implementation of fair employment practices will bring about a more harmonious and progressive work environment within our organisation and contribute towards making Singapore a great place to work